Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Website Evaluation

When researching information on a website, what clues should you look out
for to make sure it is a trustworthy site? (Hint: the 5W's of website

Remember to answer in complete sentences, use example to explain your answer and proofread your work. Sign only your initials. No initials, no credit.

Comments should be posted by January 19th at 9:00 am.


  1. To judge a website you should use the 5 Ws.The 5 Ws are:
    Who: Who posted the website?
    What: What are their credentials?
    Where: Where can I contact the author?
    When: When was this posted? When was it updated?
    Why: Why was this posted? What is the point of it?
    Those 5 Ws can help you figure out if a website is trustworthy or not. So if you have your doubts, use the 5 Ws.

  2. If want to know if the website you’re looking on is trustworthy, ask yourself these 5 W’s: Is the author of the site an expert, what is the author’s knowledge and skill, when the site was last updated, and why should I use this website. Always use the 5 W’s so you know what to trust.

  3. Always use this advice when using websites, the advice is use the 5 W’s they can help you know a little more about the website you’re using by informing you who wrote it and if they are an expert, what do they know about that subject, why was the information posted and why should I trust it, where can I contact the author, when was the website posted and when was it updated. If you use the 5 w’s you can almost never go wrong on which website to trust.

  4. When I do research, the clues that I look for to see if it is trustworthy are the 5W's clues. First, who posted the website? Is that person an expert in what he posted? Next, I ask myself what does that person know about what he posted? Where did he get the information he posted and when was the information updated. I will also want to ask myself why was the information posted. The 5 W's are helpful in research and help us determine if the website is trustworthy.


  5. see if they have experts posting or if they let random people post

  6. I agree with E.W. you should use the five Ws


  7. What should you look for in search of a website?
    5 W's:
    Who: Who made it? Are they a professor?
    When:When was the site made or last updated.
    Where:Where can you reach the filmaker or author?
    What:What credentials or how do they know this?
    Why: Why did they make this site?

  8. I agree on E.W.'s 5 w's. I like how the person explained it.


  9. The five W`s are who, what, when, where, and why. Who created the website. If you did not know who created the website it might be a trick. What does it contain. You need to know what it contains because it may be bad. When was the website created. Because the information could be wrong. Where did they get the information from. Because it could be fake. Why did they post it. There has to be a reason why it was posted.

  10. To evaluate a website you should use the 5 w's, who, what, when, why, and where. Who: who is the author of the website? Is the author an expert? What: what is the domain? When: when was it made? When was it last updated? Why; why was was it made? What was its purpose? Where: where was it made? Where can you contact the author? The 5 W's can help you figure out if the website is trustworthy or not. S.Z.A

  11. if you want to find out if a website is true you should use the 5 W's

    when:is this updated?
    who:made it?
    were:is the creator?
    what:is the point of the website?
    why:is it posted?
    Those five W'swill help you tell if the website is real.


  12. These are the 5w's of evaluation that you should look for on a website:

    Who: created the website?
    What: is the perpose of the website?
    When: was it last updated?
    Where: can I contact the author?
    Why: was it posted?


  13. Have you ever gone to a website and asked your self, is this website trust worthy? Well, I have, and now with that I know what the 5w’s is I Know if a website is trust worthy or not. Now I will tell you the 5w’ses.
    Who: Who is the author of the website? Is it a professor, a teenager, etc.
    What: What are their credentials or what is their knowledge.
    When: When was is last updated or When was it last made.
    Where: Where can you contact the author?
    Why: Why was it posted or why was it put on the site what is the purpose


  14. I agree with N.S.D 5w's because she/he explained it with less detail.

  15. I agree with N.S.D because the answer to 5 W's is plain and simple to understand and still works.


  16. When looking up good informative sites, you should use the 5 Ws. who created the page, what is the purpose of that site, where can I get to the auther, what are the credientials, when was this created and updated.

    By E.S.

  17. Most trusted wedsites have a trustworthy sigh on the bottom. For example shows a sigh on the bottom.Also, if it sounds to good to be true it probably is true. L.A.D

  18. SZA,
    I liked how you showed more than one questions for all of your W’s. It was very nice.

  19. You should look for the 5 w's.(Who,what,why,where, and when). For example, when was the site last updated? Who were the authors? What is the URL? Why did the authors build this website? Where did the authors get the imformation? These are all good things to think about while using a website.


  20. You should use the 5 W`s to see if the website is truthful. Such as who are the authors? What are the author's credentials? When was the site last updated? Why did the authors build the website, was it to teach you, to inform you, to advertise, or to sell? What is the URL? Where did the authors get the info? If you use all these things and are satisfied with the answers then the website can be something you can rely on.


  21. You can use the five W’s to decide whether the site is a scam. These are the five W’s.

    Who wrote the pages and are they experts? Is a biography of the author included? How can I find out more biography about the author?
    What does the author say is the purpose of the site? What and is this information different from other sites?

    When was the site created? When the site was last updated?


    Where does the information come from? Where can I look to find out more about the sponsor of the site?


    Why is this information useful for my purpose? Why should I use this information?

    By I.A.R.

  22. When using a website you should always look for the 5W's.
    The 5W's are:
    Who:Who posted the website?
    What:What is the author's background?
    Where:Where did the author get the information?
    When:When was it posted?
    Why:Why did he or she write the information?If all these 5W's are answered,the website is a good site.


  23. Here are some things to look out for when using the internet. Look at what website you are on, who writes for it and when the information was last updated. You should also think about if the author is an expert in the topic or just a regular person. You should also consider what type of website the information is on. Is it a blog or a research site. If it is a blog, it probably will be mostly opinion. In addition you should consider why the information was posted. For example, if it was posted because they want to sell you something, the writing will be different then if it is written to explain something.


  24. When looking at a website you should remember the 5 w's
    Who- Who wrote it?

    When- When was it written and updated?

    Where-Did the information come from an expert in the topic?

    What-What is the person writing the informations credentials?

    Why- What is the purpose of the information and is it useful to me?

    There is a lot of information on the web that you should not trust. So use your 5 W's.


  25. I agree with E.W. on how to use the 5 W's She really made it make sense.


  26. The five W's are really helpful when you are seeing if a websight is to be on or not. Here are the names and meanings of these five W's:
    Who is the author of the website?(Who wrote it)
    What:is the sight?
    Where:did this info come from?
    When:was the site created or when was the info made?
    Why:was the sight made or what is its purpose?

  27. How to Evaluate a Website

    Who: Who wrote the website and are they an expert on the subject?

    What: What is the reason for the website, what’s unique about the site and what experience does the writer have?

    When: When was the site created and is the information still correct? When was the website you are going to use last updated?

    Where: Where did the information come from? Where can I find more information about the person who wrote the site I want to use?

    Why: Why is this site better than a different site? Why should I use this site again?


  28. To see if a website is trustworthy, you should use the 5W's. The 5W's are who, what, when, where, and why. Who were the makers of the website? What are their credentials? When was the site last updated? Where did this person get the information? Why did they make the website? If you use these, you will always be sure that your using the right information.


  29. The five Ws are very important on the internet. These are things you want to know before you go on a website:
    Who: who made it, should I trust his/her work?
    What: what is this site about?
    When: when was the site made and when was this site last updated?
    Why: why is this info here, why should I use it?
    Where: where does the info come from?

  30. To see if a website is authentic you must look for the 5 W's, who, what, where, why, when.

    Who: who made the website? Are they experts at what they are talking about?

    What: what is the website about?

    Where: where was the website created? Where is the author? Can he/she be reached?

    Why: why should I read this? Why did the author write this?

    When: when was this website created, when was it last updated? is the information current?

    These are the things you should look for while judging a website. Also look at the domain of the website.


  31. To find if the site is trustworthy you must look at the Domain. If the Domain is a .com it is probably not as trustworthy as other Domains.
    When: When was the site created? When was it last updated?
    Who: Who created the website? Is this person real?
    Where: Where did he/she get the info?
    What: What materials did he/she use to create the website?
    Why: Why did he/she make the website?


  32. To read and prof read a website are the 5's and they are WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE,and WHY. Here is how you use them:

    WHO: Who is the Author and who posted the website also are they experts.

    WHAT:What is the purpose of this website.

    WHEN:When was the website last updated.

    WHERE: Where did it come from.

    WHY: why should I read it

    These are all the 5 w's and how to use them on the internet

