Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Almaden Quicksilver Mine

Today we went on a field trip to the New Almaden Quicksilver Mine Museum. We learned about life in the 1800s and even walked on a brick sidewalk put there for the miners' schoolchildren.

What do you think life was like for children back then? What challenges do you face that they did not? How was life harder and easier for them? What do you think they might have worried about? What might they think of our class learning about their lives in a museum? Can you imagine what school children might be learning about YOU 110 years from now? What would you want children of the future to know about?


  1. 1.I think life was hard for the children because they could get sick and die. Also not all the children could go to school back then and the technology was very different from now.

    2.You could get in a car accident and die or you could fall off your bike and skin your knee.

    3. Back then they had to build their own houses, grow their own food and make their own clothes. But, life was easier for them because it was less complicated world.

    4. They were worried about sickness and they were worried that storms would damage their crops and they would have nothing to eat.

    5. I think that they would think that it was interesting that we are learning about them and their lives and they would problubly want to know more about my class and I.

    6.I think they would be learning how we lived our lives for example: they would learn how we travel, what we do in school, what we eat, and the way we build our houses.

    7.I would want children of the future to learn about us and how we live and the miners and how they lived.

    by T.A.H

  2. I think that the life back then was hard because you would have to walk to school. They didn't have cars to drive them around. The challenges that I face that they don't are I face the challenge in gymnastics. The challenge with that is I need to learn how to do a back tuck, and they would never need to do. It was easier because they didn't need as many cloths,so they didn't need to clean them I think that there most trouble is they may have thought. They might think that we are crazy. Kids later in days they may be learning about our homes. I want them to learn about our cloths


  3. Our field trip to the New Almaden Quicksilver Mine Museum was very awesome. I think life back then was poor and everybody have to work very hard. The challenges I face today that they did not are we have to learn a lot about the new technologies and we have to learn about a lot of different subjects and they only have to learn about reading, writing, and working. I think they worried a lot about sickness because there were a lot of sickness aback then and there were no cures. I think they would think that it is cool for our class to learn about them in a museum because they are part of history. I can imagine that 110 years from now, the school children might learn that I am very lucky to get to live in a very cool period of time. I would want the children of the future to know that we work very hard and we have a lot of tests in school. But school is awesome.

    Z.S.P. OJ!!!

  4. I think some of the challenges to the kids back then were that they could not learn from the internet, they would have to read a book instead. Something that is easier for them is that they can do more things on their own because they didn't have to worry about cars or other dangers. Some of their worries might have been that they didn't have paths and they could get lost without them. If someone was learning about them 110 years in the future I think they would be happy that someone had remembered them and how they lived.

    What I want the future to know about me is that there are a lot of endangered animals today. I hope that sometime in my life I can help these animals so the people in the future will be able to see these beautiful animals too. I loved the New Almaden Quick Silver Mine! It was a great field trip.


  5. Life would be hard your brothers and sisters that don't make it to adult hood, that would be hard for me. There weren't many toys so I don't now what I would play with. Those were rough times.


  6. I think the miner's kids lives were harder. For example, they didn't have any cars so they had to walk to school and they worked really hard. My class and I got to see where they walked to school on a brick walkway. It felt weird because it looked so old. Another thing was that it would be hard for the miner's kids having such little toys and not high tech things. I'm pretty sure they had some things to do though. Even though we have all those things now it sure does complicate life.

    I think one of the many changes today are lights and cars. I believe one of the reasons things were easier back then was there was not as much school work. I have a feeling that they were also worried about storms because their homes weren't very strong. They are probably looking down at us from heaven wondering why we are studying them today. and wondering why we are wearing clothing like we do.

    In 110 years from now, I would like the kids to know that there are a lot of endangered animals. I would encourage them to save more animals.

  7. I think that life for the kids back then was a little harder because we have cars to drive to school were they had to walked to school. Another thing that I do not have to deal with today is not having electronics and not worry that I could die because of the flu.
    Even though the kids back then had different things to worry about then we do nowdays. We have to worry about different things then kids back then had to worry about like are generation has to worry about how to keep the Earth clean.
    I think that the kids back then would feel excited that people were learning all about them. If I had someone learning about me I`d feel very important. Even though I`d feel impotant it would also be a little wierd that you are a big part in history. If I could tell someone from the future something about the time I lived in I`d tell them about the technology we had and I would ask them what they used for transportation.
    At the end of the field trip I wanted to go back to the same place with my family. The museum was great and I had a fun time the whole field trip.

  8. I think life was harder back then than it is today. It would be harder because I think they don't have many fun games to play, or fun activities. I think some challenges that we face today and they didn't have to is having to be really smart to get jobs. For really good jobs like a doctor and such you would need to go to 12th grade and higher. Back then the Spaninsh Community would go to 4th grade and the English Community would go 8th. One way life was hard for the people back then was they didn't have many good appliences such as air conditioning, light bulds ect. Also, their pay was very low. One way life was easier for them was they didn't have long school, everyone would know each other in their community. Such as blacksmiths, a woman's parlor shop owner, and the mining manager. They might have been worried about their children living until adulthood because some didn't survive. I think if they knew we were learning about them in a musuem they'd say,"Wow...I'm in history!!!" Children learning about us in 110 years from us would think,"So weird! Their cars used to touch the ground! Ours can fly high in the sky!" What I want the children to know about us is that our world has progressed so much. Like from traveling from foot to whanever they are going to have in their generation.

  9. I think that life back then was very difficult for children . We face nueclear radiation( which was definently not there back then). Life back then was harder because they had less advanced medicine and less technology, life was also easier because they did not have to worry about plane, train, car, etc... crashes. They might have worryed about food, water and their health. I think they might be flattered that they were important enough to be put in a museum. I think that 110 years from now they might be learning about what we learned, our technology and our lifestyles. I would like the children of the future to know about the way we went places, what we wore, and what we ate. S.Z.A

  10. Life would be hard back then. They didn't have technology. We face global warming, while they only face illness(there was no medicine), and not enough to eat. They might think of our class as rich people, and we have a better life than them. School children 110years later will probably be learning our ways of life. Who knows? They may have changed a way of life. They could possibly also learn about our difficulties. They may have a TON of homework. Maybe the Earth will be trashed then, and they will learn about our cars that we rode in. I want the children of the future to learn about our childhood and how we want to save the Earth.

  11. 1. It would be hard for the children because they could easily die.
    2. They would not have to worry about pollution. And they could not hurt themselves by falling of a skateboard.
    3. It was a lot harder to survive.
    4. They might have worried about their houses falling down.
    5. I think it was very fun learning about them
    6. They could learn about how much different it was then (now for us).
    7. To know that earth is real and not just a story if they have to travel to another planet.


  12. #1 i think it would be hard for kids then because they could get a disease and die because they had no cure sometimes.they also had not that many things to do.School was hard too because some kids could not go to school.


  13. I think life back then was pretty hard because even if you lived 10 miles from school you still probably had to walk to school. We face a bigger problem though we have to face the problem of globel warming. life is harder for them because they did not have washing machines, but it is more fun for them because they got more siblings, but for a sad reason. I think the childeren back then worried that their fathers would die in the mine. I think that they would think it would be cool that they were being studied. I think that the people in the future would learn about all the things about us that we learned about the kids back then. I want them to learn how tiny our houses are compared to theirs just like we did to the people back then.


  14. I think life for kids 110 years ago was really hard because if you get sick you can die. The reason was that the doctors didn’t have that good medicine and vaccines. Also some children didn’t go to school and instead they work on farms. Plus they don’t get all the cool technology we have today. For example, I stuff, phones, TV, and much more


  15. To: M.G.W
    I really like your post. I also agree to what you say

    From: S.P

  16. When we went on the field trip to the New Almaden Quicksilver Mine, I learned a lot of new facts. I think that life back then was very hard for the people. They had no cars or buses so the kids had to walk to school when they were less than a mile away, or even if they were 5 or more miles away. Right now we have to face global warming and back then they didn't have to. It was hard for the people back then because they didn't have any technology, so they couldn't wash their clothes, learn from the computer, or watch TV. It was also easier for them because the parents didn't have to worry about their kids getting kidnapped like they have to today. I think that they would have to worry about the kids getting sick because they didn't have any medicine back then so the kids might die. I think if they knew that we were learning about them more than 100 years later, they would be proud and happy that they were a part of history. If children in a 110 years from now were learning about us, I would want them to know how we lived and what we used to live.


  17. To N.S.D

    I agree with you that there was no cures for the sicknesses that people got and so that is why the parents got so many kids because a lot of kids did not make it to adulthood. I also agree that that it was hard to learn about a lot of things such as all the things we learn today because that it was true that some people were not allowed to go to school, so it was hard to learn a lot of things not including the such little things they got to learn that will have to keep them for their whole entire lives (all the small amount of things that they will only get taught and maybe even the only things they will ever know for the rest of their whole entire life.


  18. I think life back then was hard for children because they didn't have the technology that we have like cars to get to school and computers to research and more. Children back then had to be more independent. They had to walk themselves to school and stuff. Also back then if you got sick you most likely would die because medicine wasn't really effective. A lot of the kids back then didn't even go to school because they had to work on their family farms.

    Some of the challenges I face that they didn't are getting a good education because they didn't even have to go to school. Another challenge for kids today is that we have a lot more choices to make like which school we go to, what career we want to have etc. Most kids back then didn't even go to school and instead worked on their family farms.

    I think the kids back then worried about what was going to be on their dinner table the next night or whether they were going to die from some type of sickness. They also probably worried about their families health. They also maybe worried about the weather and how it was going to effect their crops. I don't worry about any of these things.


  19. I think life for the children was very hard back in the 1800's. They had to do lots of chores on the farm and be responsible for themselves by cooking their own meals. The kids in the 1800's might have worried that their brothers or sisters or parents would get sick from the flu or an infection and die. I believe life was hard for these kids too. They spent hours picking fruits and vegetables in the fields for their meals. Today, my mom just goes to the grocery store when I am at school and has an afternoon snack and dinner ready for me everyday.

  20. I think life for children back then was very hard. They did not have many inventions. I have different devices to do different things. Now we have medicine too. They might have been worried if their family caught cholera. They might have worried about the wars for land and it coming close to them. Or it could make many people worried by having beloved people fight in these wars. Back then it would take many soldiers because they did not have the best technology. If olden day people knew we were learning about their lives in a museum, I would think they might have been a little excited about people seeing their past and wondering about it. I would think since other people studied others that maybe someone will study me and my behaviors. They would learn about how I grew up with only boys or how I make amazing lemon cake and cupcakes. I would want them to know about my friends, family, home and hobbies. They might also want to know about my school hours and report cards. People in the olden days have to work hard.

  21. SZA
    I agree that life would be difficult for children. Very nice post.

  22. I think life was very hard for the children back 100 years ago. They had to do many chores,work hard and faced many dangerous journeys. Some challenges they faced were that they had to travel places by horse and wagon and they did not have electricity or running water. Life was harder is the olden days because they had to work hard to grow food and make things to survive. I think school work was easier in those days because there was less homework and they did not have as many activities as we do. They worried about if they were sick they did not have good medicine or trained doctors to help them. Also they worried about running out of food, water and having a safe home. I think the children would think it was strange that we are interested in how they lived. I would want children in the future to know that kids are worried about the earth being polluted. We also have many activities and we always try our best!


  23. I think life was hard for the school children back in the 1800's. There were no antibiotics or good medicine, so it was common for kids to die, AAAA! That's really scary! We face the challenge of running into speeding cars on the road. Also, we have to deal with the pollution and toxic gasses. It was harder for them because if you were walking on the sidewalk a thief could easily rob you or your positions. I don't think there was anything easy in the 1800's. Back then, you would have to live in small houses with a lot of family members, you would be cramped up!. They might have worried about their family not having enough money to afford things, about getting sick and dieing, and the consequences at school back then were far more... scary than how it is now! If they knew that we were learning about them they might have thought yay! We’re famous! Or they would have been embarrassed if we were talking about something they did not want us to know about. It would be creepy if I knew people were learning about us! I would be proud at some things and guilty of some other things. They might be learning about our mistakes and achievements. I would want them to learn about how we are trying to save the animals and the earth. Also I want them to know about our pollution problem and help them not go on with it. That will save the earth!


  24. It must have been very hard for the children back then, they had to walk to school with no cars to drive around in. today there's cyber bullying, but back then they had no technology. Many families were afraid they might get a disease and maybe die. Unfortunately there were no medicines to help.
    If the people that we learned about at the museum would probably be like learn about your own life and you shouldn't know that. kids probably didn't know as much as we know now. Every day we learn new things.So maybe kids learned about how to take care of family or work on a farm. Children of the future should all the things and maybe it can help them create new ways or inventions using the old ways.


  25. I think there would be many differances in our lives, like we have cars, Wiis, dsis, dss, PS3s, computers. pools or TVs.We may face more hardships because of global warming, homework, guns, more work, and car accidents. I think the children would be honored to know that we studied them.

  26. 1.I think life for the children back then was hard because while their parents were working they probably missed them and also didn't see them at home that much.
    2. Some things that we today is green energy, like in the Gulf of Mexico the oil spill we could have prevented that from happening and if we didn't build so many buildings and cut down some many trees some animals would not have been extinct.
    3. Life back then was harder than life today because they didn't have cars, buses,trains, or airplanes for transportation. Also they no washing machines to do laundry.
    4. They probably worried when mining about the ceiling coming down.
    5. They would think that it would be great for people in the future learning about them and how they lived back then.
    6. I can imagine 110 years from now children learning about us because I imagine 110 years the world not ending and schools still are real.
    7. I would want the children of the future to know that we were real.


  27. I think that the children would worry about there fathers working in the mines. I think they might worry about this because one day your father could go to there day at work and never return. Or they could go to there day at work and return died! those were hard times.
    But I also think in some ways that we have a harder life than them. We have to worry about trash over flowing, pollution, oil spills and lots of other things. back then they didn't have any computers, T.Vs and video games so they didn't have to worry about pollution. but every body is always is going to worry about things.


  28. I agree with you zsp.Life was hard back then.they had lots and lots of jobs some were cooking and picking fruits and vegetables.


  29. i agree with you to JC it would be hard because they would have to do a lot of work.


  30. I think that life was easier to them because they didn't have to buy as much because they didn't need that much. But it would have been scarie
    because they probably had a dad that was mining and risking his life to get gold. They had it easier because they could trust their nabors and they knew they were parents going to work and they


  31. 1. I think that life was hard for kids back then because they had to do a lot of work and there were chances that they could die from diseases.

    2. The challenges that I face are the challenges that they never faced because some of my challenges include electronics and they didn’t have any electricity.

    3. Life was hard and easy for them because sometimes they had to take some chances that were good and bad.

    4. One of the things that they worried about were dying.

    5. I think they probably would enjoy the fact that we are learning about their lives.

    6. School children will probably learn about what kind of electronics we have today and they might learn about our lives and how our school was. They will probably learn about it in 110 years.

    7. I would want children of the future to learn about how cool our lives are and how we have stuff like 3-D TV’s.

