Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chasing Vermeer

Have you every gotten a memorable letter? Does anyone send letters anymore or do they just email, tweet and text. What do you think?


  1. I have personally never gotten a memorable letter. I think most people send emails today rather than letters but still many things such as net-flix and letters from the bank still come in the mail.

  2. In the modern days, people usually email, tweet and text because we have so much technology that help make our lives easier. The only mail I get is sometimes birthday cards such as from "Toys R Us". Even now other people either call, email, and even send electronic greeting cards. I like it because I can receive it right away rather than wait for it to arrive in the mail box. Other than from electronics, no, I have never got a memorable letter.


  3. Nowdays people usually email for random things. Maybe when you had to pay lots of money to email, people would send very useful information like if you were planing a vacation to somewhere else that was far away. The only memorible letter I have gotten is from our best friends from Bosten. This was memorible because they sent plants and different smells from Bosten to us so we got to feel like we were in Bosten for a little while.


  4. Honestly i have never got a memorable letter people only email, or call me. I think that is because it is a lot faster than writing a letter then sending it and getting it a few days latter, with email you can send it and they get ti in a few seconds. So I think people use email more than letters but some people still send letters.


  5. I never got a memorable letter from anybody. I have gotten emails or calls, but not a letter. Most people email, text and call.
