Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Swamp Rivals, The Mute One - The Talking Earth

Billie Wind is on a journey of self discovery. As she travels, she makes many thoughtful discoveries about herself, her heritage and the world she lives in. Write about a time when you realized something important or significant about yourself, your heritage or the world. Describe your discovery and how it affected you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Petang and Cooottchobee

In The Talking Earth, Billie Wind is having quite an adventure. Please comment thoughtfully on one of the 4 questions below. Please, please remember to proofread your work!

A. Billie's experience in the cave changed her. Describe how and give evidence from the book.

B. What messages has Billie received so far from the animals? What more might she learn from them?

C. After Billie leaves the cave, bulldozers arrive and flatten the area for an airport. Why do you think the author included this scene? What effect did it have on you?

D. Why didn't Billie fear the animals in the swamp? What did this reveal about the way she has changed since her adventure began?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Educational Games on the Web

There are hundreds of wonderful educational computer games on websites out there, and even better, many are free! Let's share our cool finds with each other! Provide the URL (link) name of the game, what educational area or skill it helps with, and how much it costs. Then review the game for us! Tell us what you like about it or any problems or issues you have with the app. Do you think your classmates will like it? How about older kids or younger siblings? Remember to proofread and only use your initials.

DS Users Unite!

After riding the bus to Sacramento, I saw that lots of you have DS games. There are lots of wonderful educational games out there!

Let's share our cool finds with each other! Provide the name of the app, what educational area or skill it helps with, and how much it costs. Then review the game or app for us! Tell us what you like about it or any problems or issues you have with the app. Do you think your classmates will like it? How about older kids or younger siblings? Remember to proofread and only use your initials.

iPeople Users Group!

Several of us have iPads, iPods, or an iPod touch. There are hundreds of wonderful educational apps out there, and even better, some many are free! Let's share our cool finds with each other! Provide the name of the app, what educational area or skill it helps with, and how much it costs. Then review the game or app for us! Tell us what you like about it or any problems or issues you have with the app. Do you think your classmates will like it? How about older kids or younger siblings? Remember to proofread and only use your initials.

Here is a screen shot showing free apps we'll be using on March 23.