Thursday, February 3, 2011

Petang and Cooottchobee

In The Talking Earth, Billie Wind is having quite an adventure. Please comment thoughtfully on one of the 4 questions below. Please, please remember to proofread your work!

A. Billie's experience in the cave changed her. Describe how and give evidence from the book.

B. What messages has Billie received so far from the animals? What more might she learn from them?

C. After Billie leaves the cave, bulldozers arrive and flatten the area for an airport. Why do you think the author included this scene? What effect did it have on you?

D. Why didn't Billie fear the animals in the swamp? What did this reveal about the way she has changed since her adventure began?


  1. Bilie did not fear the animals in the swamp because she felt that the animals were saying that they would protect her from the white men and that they were her friends. That shows that now she does not think that the tribe legends are a bunch of nonsense and that she believes Charlie Wind about the animal god talking.


  2. after Billie left the cave i think they will flatten it because they will make a airport.I think the Author included it because they will do something with it. I think they should could of kept it because what are they going to do with a airport?


  3. Yes,I think that the cave changed her,because she believes in the serphent.


  4. C) I think the author included this scene because it was an example us humans being greedy of land we don’t need that causes animals to go endangered. The author is showing a example of greed yet trying to prevent it from happening. It makes me sad to see that these wonderful animals that are not doing anything, can’t survive due to us.

  5. #C

    I think that the author included that because maybe she could contact someone from the airport and have them come pick her up, but if she doesn't have a phone than maybe she could build a blimp and make it out of leaves and sticks . f she did that then she could take off in the place that the bulldozers had made. The effect that all of that made on me made me fell suspicious and wonder what was going to happen in the book next. then i thought of some thing '' I wonder what she will do next

    by VLC

  6. The author included this seen in the book
    because it's a big part of the story! Imagine
    having all the rainforests cut down! I would
    not like that at all! When I read that part of
    the story my heart broke! I felt really bad about
    those animals because they lost their habitat!

    By T.A.H

  7. D. Billie Wind did not fear the animals in the swamp because she had to hear them talk. If she did not get close to them she could not hear them talk. This has shown how she has changed because she did not want to hear the animals talk earlier.

  8. I think Billie Wind changed what she thought about her tribes beliefs in the cave because now she pretends Petang can understand her and she talks to him she has also changed in many other ways.

  9. Billie’s experience in the cave changed her because when she slept in the cave she found utensils and pots and she thought that her ancestors lived in that place. She also found petang while living there and she started to think more about Charlie wind’s words about the talking animals. She started to understand the animals by their actions instead of their talk.


  10. I think the author included the scene with the bulldozers flattening the area because he wanted his readers to see that we are destroying the earth itself by doing this. The effect that it has on me is an sad feeling because I cannot believe people would do such a thing to the earth. Destroying the plants that lived there, destroying the rivers and ponds, and lastly killing the animals that lived there.


  11. Billie has revived messages from the animals telling her to run because of a fire . I think she might learn other warning or advice if your all alone on island.


  12. Billie Wind learned where the green grass was from the ibis and the hawk saw a snake so she knew life was returning to the burnt area.  When she was sleeping in the tree, she saw a raccoon move her babies and when she woke up in the morning, she didn't see any bugs so she knew the white men had sprayed bug repellant so they could build the airport.  That's what the raccoon must have been worried about.  The otter wanted to drown the turtle but it was too big to move. So the otter dug a canal to float the turtle to the water to drown it.  The otter taught Billie how she could move the huge cypress log to the water.  She heard the fox and the bobcat and didn't understand them but she wasn't leaving until she did.  

  13. Q:A
    Billie's expiriance changed her because she cationly paid close attention to the animals. She stared seeing if they would, and she kept seeing sacred artifacts and thought about sending a search party out to get more. She also found how much she missed her family and people.

    By E.S.

  14. A. Billie Wind before her time in the cave was a doubter. Escaping the fire in the cave made her ponder about who was there before her and the Indians beliefs. She realized she could survive in the cave because she was convinced she had plenty of food, water and shelter. She found Petang in the cave and assumed they were "fire spirits" since they had both escaped the fire by crawling into the same pit. This changed her view of nature and animals.


  15. question #D
    billie wind at first thought the the animals at the swamp would be mean and vicious but they are actually not. billie meet one of the animals and the animal was very nice and know she wants one as her pet. this actually tells a lesson. the lesson is don't judge something before you see them.


  16. C.
    I think the author included the bulldozers to show the difference between the old and new. That part of the story really made me think about how there can be present day construction can really change the environment.

  17. B. The messages Billie Wind received from the animals was definitlly a good greeting and tips about the swamp. I think she will learn how to live in the swamp from animals.


  18. question C. I think the auther wanted to show this scene becuase it shows how white people tear down the everglades to build for their own purposes. It made me sad becuase they are ruining one of the great places in America and ruining the enviroment. They should just build it somewhere else. S.Z.A

  19. Billy has received messages from the animals. They are trying to help Billy to avoid danger in the swamp. They warned Billy about a fire. This is an example of how they are trying to help her. I think they will continue to try to help Billy more in the story.

  20. C. I think that the author included the bulldozers to show how people are destroying land that they don't really need. It shows how we are cutting down forests, rain forests, and the everglades for no reason. It makes me really sad to know that we are doing this to our only planet that we have.


  21. Question D: I think by now Billie Wind has realized that the animals are actually her friends and that they are communicating to her and are trying to help her and for those reasons, she no longer fear those animals in the swamp.


  22. I agree with N.S.D. because I also agree that the airport will not be useful for them. Maybe they pretend to say that they will build an airport but they are actually planning something else.


  23. VLC
    I like your point of view. Between both of our reasons, I am not sure what will happen next.

  24. billies life changed because she lived with an otter named petang. She had to live differently when living with an animal. sshe had to catch and eat her own food.


  25. I think that she might gotten scared into a different belief and she started to respect the nature.


  26. Billie winds experience in the cave was scary for Billie wind beucause she said that she was back home celabrating the corn festival wearing her dress and would be safe there and this would've never happened.


  27. B. Billie wind has heard Petang 'talking' to her in some signals. That showed her how to get fish in a good way. she might learn a lot from Petang. Petang already 'told ' her where food is.

  28. A. The way she changed after being in the cave was that she was getting more self dependent such as in the book she stated to catch animals for food and started to collect
    green vegetables, fruits, and berries. She also made friends with an otter who thinks Billie wind is his mom so she has to catch food for him too.


  29. Being in the cave probably with a fire serpent thing would have changed me. But i think it was really scary . after that she kinda respected nature.


  30. Billie has received messages from the animals about the fire, the weather, how to get through the canal, and the humans destroying the land with dangerous insecticides and bulldozers. I think she is becoming more connected to the animals and they will tell her more about how to survive and protect the earth.


  31. B. The animals know when there is danger. We need to watch how the animals act so we can know what might happen (like a fire). RB
